
Showing posts from February 22, 2015

Why Nigeria matters to the world Read full article here:

I once asked a U.S. army commander responsible for Africa what kept him up at night about the continent. “Elections,” he said. His concern was the kind of political anxiety that has gripped Nigerian ahead of the next elections. The postponement of elections signifies Nigeria is at a delicate crossroads, with the next several weeks being a critical period in the nation’s democracy and its relations with Africa and the world. But the stakes are high for the international community as well. But amid these concerns, Nigeria’s economic future remains optimistic. According to a recent survey, the country is projected to be among the 10 fastest economies in the world in 2015. Sustaining this positive outlook will be significantly influenced by the conduct and outcome of the elections. The most important measure of national maturity is conducting free and fair elections and avoiding post-election violence. Of the latter, Nigeria has had too much already. The international com