
Showing posts from 2022

What is Bid’ah and WHY is it so DANGEROUS? by Asma bint Shameem

     The Sharee'ah definition of bid'ah: "A newly invented way (beliefs or action) in the religion, in imitation of the Sharee'ah, by which nearness to Allaah is sought, while not being supported by any authentic proof - neither in its foundations, nor in the manner in which it is performed."   In simple language, bid’ah is any newly invented matter in the DEEN, an act that a person does, with the intention of coming close to Allaah or seeking reward for it, but it is not supported by any authentic basis or proof from the Qur'aan or Sunnah.  We as Muslims should follow only the way of the Prophet sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam and the way he practiced the deen.  He sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam WAS and IS our best example to follow.  He UNDERSTOOD the deen the BEST and PRACTICED it the BEST.  And the Prophet sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam gave people like me and you, specific INSTRUCTIONS to FOLLOW HIM and the way of his Sahaabah and he WARNED us of innovations

UCH In Shambles As CMD Signs Resignation Letters Weekly

  Nigeria’s foremost tertiary health institution, the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan is being hit with exodus of 600 health workers in the last one year. At least, 15 nurses, doctors and pharmacists, among others, exit UCH on a weekly basis. The Chief Medical Director (CMD) of UCH, Prof. Abiodun Otegbayo, confirmed resignation of clinicians. He said: “Every week, I signed resignation letters of 15 health workers at the institution, who are mostly clinicians, that is, nurses, doctors and pharmacists, among others.” The CMD called for removal of bottlenecks in replacing workforce due to mass exodus of health workers. Read also:  200 Nigerian-Trained Doctors Moved To UK In One Month. He spoke at a news conference marking the 65th Founder’s Day celebration of UCH in Ibadan.

CBN Asked To Remove Arabic Inscription From Redesigned Naira Notes

The Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, has been asked to remove the Arabic inscription from the redesigned naira notes. Tever Akase, Senior Special Assistant to Governor Samuel Ortom on Media and Publicity, said all Nigerian languages should be on the currencies, not Arabic. In a tweet, Akase lamented that Arabic is not Nigeria’s second official language. He wrote: “Those redesigning the naira notes should ensure that inscriptions of all Nigerian languages are on the currencies. The Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, has been asked to remove the Arabic inscription from the redesigned naira notes. Tever Akase, Senior Special Assistant to Governor Samuel Ortom on Media and Publicity, said all Nigerian languages should be on the currencies, not Arabic. In a tweet, Akase lamented that Arabic is not Nigeria’s second official language. He wrote: “Those redesigning the naira notes should ensure that inscriptions of all Nigerian languages are on the currencies. "If this is impossible, they should r

200 Nigerian-Trained Doctors Moved To UK In One Month.

  Not  less  than 200 Nigerian-trained doctors were licensed by the government of the United Kingdom in just one month, culled through Punch. Checks on the website of the General Medical Council, the body which licenses and maintains the official register of medical practitioners in the UK, showed that the GMC licensed at least 200 Nigerian-trained doctors between August 31, 2022, and September 30, 2022. The statistics also showed that between January 1, 2022 and September 30, 2022, about 1,307 doctors trained in Nigeria were licensed in the UK as Nigeria continues to battle one of the worst situations of brain drain in its history. Overall, 10,296 doctors who obtained their degrees in Nigeria currently practise in the UK. However, Nigerian doctors who got medical qualifications in schools outside the country are not included in the data. The rate of migration of medical doctors has recently become a matter of concern. The Nigerian Medical Association, while lamenting the high rate of

🌷Sajdah ash-Shukr🌷| Asma bint Shameem

  Sajdah ash-Shukr is the prostration of thankfulness that a person does out of gratefulness to Allaah.  It is just ONE sajdah and is done ANY time, when we receive some sudden unexpected news of a blessing, or relief from some calamity.  🔺It was the practice of the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam.  🍃 Abu Bakrah radhi Allaahu anhu said: “When the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam heard any news that made him glad, he would fall down prostrating to Allaah, may He be exalted.” (Ibn Maajah and others - hasan by al-Albaani) 🍃 And Abu Bakrah also said: “He saw the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam, when news reached him that his troops had prevailed over their enemy, he was lying with his head in ‘Aa’ishah’s lap, then he got up and fell in prostration.” (Ahmad, saheeh) 🔺 Sajdah ash-Shukr was also a practice among the Sahaabah.  Abu Bakr radhi Allaahu anhu fell into sajdah of shukr when he heard that Musaylimah (the false prophet) had been killed.  And Ka’b ibn Maalik radhi

🌷 A Sajdah outside of Salaah just to make Duaa or for ‘Shukr’? | Asma bint Shameem

  ❓ QUESTION❓ I see some people, after they're done with Salaah, doing a separate sajdah to make duaa? Is that okay? 🌿 ANSWER🌿 Doing this is not correct.  That’s because there’s NO EVIDENCE of making a separate sajdah outside of Salaah, ‘specifically’ to make duaa in the Sharee’ah.  The Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam himself NEVER made a sajdah separately outside the salah just so that he could make duaa NOR did he teach his sahaabah to do so.  If it was something good, he Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam would have done it himself and would definitely have taught us.  But we see that there's no proof of him doing that.  💎 Why is that wrong? ▪️Dua is an act of worship. And the basic principle as far as acts of worship are concerned is "tawqeef", which means doing NOTHING EXCEPT that which is PROVEN from the Qur’aan and Sunnah.    So we should worship Allaah ONLY in the ways that He has prescribed.  Anything else is NOT ALLOWED, NOR is it CORRECT.  ▪️When we loo

🔺The correct way to do sajdah according to the Sunnah🔺 | Asma bint Shameem

🔺1. Sajdah is done on SEVEN bones.  🍃The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said: “I have been commanded to prostrate on seven bones: on the forehead,” and he pointed to his nose, “and on the two hands, the two knees and the edges of the two feet (i.e., the toes).” (al-Bukhaari, 812; Muslim, 490) So it is really important that we pay attention to this and make sure that we do sajdah on all seven parts.  This is so important that, if someone doesn’t prostrate on all of these seven parts, although he’s able to, then some of the scholars even say that his sajdah is not valid.  🍃Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said:  “It is not permissible for a worshipper to lift up any of these seven parts of the body when prostrating, because the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam said:  “I have been commanded to prostrate on seven bones: on the forehead,” and he pointed to his nose, “and on the two hands, the two knees and the edges of the two feet (i.e., the toes).” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 812; Muslim,

🌸 Friday Series 🌸 by Asma bint Shameem

  🌿 If a woman is praying at home on a Friday afternoon by herself, should she pray Jumu’ah or should she pray Dhuhr?🌿 First of all, Jumu’ah is not obligatory on women or those (men and women) who are sick, or traveling, etc.  🍃ً The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:  “Jumu’ah is a duty that is required of every Muslim in congregation except four: a slave, a woman, a child or a sick person.” (Abu Dawood (1067); saheeh by al-Albaani)  Secondly, Jumu’ah is ONLY VALID in congregation at the masjid.  It is NOT valid at home.  So if you MISSED going to the masjid on Friday afternoon for some reason, then you MUST pray DHUHR.  It is NOT VALID for you to pray Jumu’ah at home.  🍃 Shaikh Ibn Baaz said: “ If a man does not attend Jumu’ah due to a legitimate excuse such as sickness and so on, or for some other reason, he should pray Dhuhr. Similarly a woman should pray Dhuhr.  Travelers and desert dwellers should also pray Dhuhr, as is indicated by the Sunnah, because during the Fare

🌷 Allaah’s Greatest Name (al-Ism al-Aadham)🌷 | Asma bint Shameem

  🍃 Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala says: “And to Allaah belongs the most beautiful names, so call on Him by them.” [Surah al-Aa’raaf:180] All of Allaah’s Names are Most Excellent and His Attributes are Perfect and Sublime.  And we should make duaa using these Beautiful Names and call upon our Rabb with using them.  But of these Beautiful Names is That One Special Name that is the Greatest Name of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala (al-Ism al-Aadham). And if one calls upon Allaah with that Name, his duaas would be accepted, and if one asks with it, he would be answered.  🍃1️⃣ Anas radhi Allaahu anhu said that he was sitting with the Messenger of Allaah Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam and a man was praying then he said in supplication:  ‎اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ بِأَنَّ لَكَ الْحَمْدُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ الْمَنَّانُ بَدِيعُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ يَا ذَا الْجَلَالِ وَالْإِكْرَامِ يَا حَيُّ يَا قَيُّومُ " “O Allaah, I ask You by virtue of the fact that all praise is due to You; th

🌷 Salaat at-Taubah🌷 | Asma bint Shameem

  We all make mistakes.  But Alhamdulillaah, Allaah is Most Forgiving and Most Merciful.  He provides us opportunities upon opportunities to seek pardon and have our sins forgiven.  One of those opportunities is  “Salaat at-Taubah”.  When one of us sins, we should repent right away and pray two rak’ah prayer with the intention of making sincere taubah to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala.  🌷The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said: “ There is no one who commits a sin then purifies himself well and stands and prays two rak’ahs, then asks Allaah for forgiveness, but Allaah will forgive him.” (Abu Dawood—saheeh by al-Albaani) 🍃 HOW TO PRAY Salaat at-Taubah? Salaat at-Taubah is a two rakaah prayer and prayed just like any other prayer.  There are no ‘ special ways’ to read it and NO specific surahs or  adhkaar to be recited.  Just make wudhu then read two rak’aat with the intention of making taubah, regretting what you did from the bottom of your heart and having firm resolve never to re

🌷 Salaat al-Janaazah🌷 | Asma bint Shameem

  Salaat al-Janazah is the funeral prayer that is read when a Muslim passes away.  Praying Salaat al-Janazah is a fardh kifaayah.  That means that if a few in the community pray it, then the rest of the community is absolved of it’s obligation.  But if no one does it, then the whole community is sinful.  It is the deceased person’s right as a Muslim that we pray this Salaat over him, even if had committed major sins.  And this is a source of great reward for the one who reads it.  🌿The Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam said: "Whoever attends a funeral until he offers the (funeral) prayer will have one qiraat (of reward) and whoever attends until the burial is done will have two qiraats."  It was said: "What are the two qiraats?"  He said: "Like two great mountains." (al-Bukhaari, Muslim) 🔵 How to read Salaat al-Janazah Salaat al-Janazah is read quietly and has four takbeeraat.  There are no rukoo or sujood and when the Imaam leads the people, the men

Are you at WAR with Allaah and His Messenger Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam? | Asma bint Shameem

  O my Muslim Brothers and Sisters,  Please pay attention! Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, is talking....talking to you and me, His slaves.... and ordering us that RIBAA (interest) is Haraam.  🍃Allaah is saying: "O you who believe! Fear Allaah and give up what is still due to you from Ribaa if you are (truly) believers." (al-Baqarah:278) And then He WARNS us: "And if you do not do it, then take a notice of WAR from Allaah and His Messenger." [al-Baqarah:279]  Did we read the Ayah carefully? Maybe, we should read it again. What does it say? It says that if we do not give up ribaa (usury), then we should take a notice of WAR from Allaah and His Messenger Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam.    AT WAR?!!  With WHO??  With Allaah?! and His Messenger Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam !!?? Subhaan Allaah!! Yaa Allaah! Protect us and save us!! Do we even know what it means to be at war with Allaah and His Messenger  Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam ?? Do we even understand the enormit

Doctors decide on strike Sunday, begin advocacy visits

  The Federal Government has commenced discussions with the Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors over the demands of the doctors,   The PUNCH   reports. We learnt that some NARD executive members are in Abuja meeting with officials of relevant government’s Ministries, Departments and Agencies. We had earlier reported that resident doctors had, on July 30, 2022, issued a two-week ultimatum to the Federal Government to implement all the agreements it had with the association or it would embark on an indefinite strike. The ultimatum expires on Sunday, August 14. The association’s demand include the payment of the newly reviewed Medical Residency Training Fund; the immediate implementation and payment of the new hazard allowance and arrears among several others. Speaking in separate interviews with our correspondent, the association’s Secretary General, Dr Suleiman Abiodun; and Publicity Secretary, Dr Yusuf Alfa, disclosed that the meetings with the MDAs are “behind the scenes” and n