With Due Respect, Prof Soyinka: The Ecumenical Spirit
Respectfully Sir, professor, daddy and teacher of nations. With dictionary in hand, I read and re-read your “And Now, The Ecumenical City Of Jos?” treatise as I do all your pieces, trying to digest and appreciate its total message as best I could. I cannot say I succeeded in achieving that at the end of my last read so I plead your indulgence for whatever I may have misinterpreted. English is not my first cultural language and though born and raised my formative years outside Nigeria, I never perfected my reading or writing skills, so please bear with my presentation here. I would have and wish I could have written in Yoruba, one of my mother tongues, I believe; however I did not learn that well too in my formative years, thus the family nickname, ‘Igbo.’ My introduction I hope points us to an important aspect of my concern with your stimulating pose – culture. I believe culture is magical. I consider myself a life student of religion and culture. I have read that to un...