
Showing posts from September 18, 2022

🌷Sajdah ash-Shukr🌷| Asma bint Shameem

  Sajdah ash-Shukr is the prostration of thankfulness that a person does out of gratefulness to Allaah.  It is just ONE sajdah and is done ANY time, when we receive some sudden unexpected news of a blessing, or relief from some calamity.  🔺It was the practice of the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam.  🍃 Abu Bakrah radhi Allaahu anhu said: “When the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam heard any news that made him glad, he would fall down prostrating to Allaah, may He be exalted.” (Ibn Maajah and others - hasan by al-Albaani) 🍃 And Abu Bakrah also said: “He saw the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam, when news reached him that his troops had prevailed over their enemy, he was lying with his head in ‘Aa’ishah’s lap, then he got up and fell in prostration.” (Ahmad, saheeh) 🔺 Sajdah ash-Shukr was also a practice among the Sahaabah.  Abu Bakr radhi Allaahu anhu fell into sajdah of shukr when he heard that Musaylimah (the false prophet) had been killed.  And Ka’b ibn Maalik radhi

🌷 A Sajdah outside of Salaah just to make Duaa or for ‘Shukr’? | Asma bint Shameem

  ❓ QUESTION❓ I see some people, after they're done with Salaah, doing a separate sajdah to make duaa? Is that okay? 🌿 ANSWER🌿 Doing this is not correct.  That’s because there’s NO EVIDENCE of making a separate sajdah outside of Salaah, ‘specifically’ to make duaa in the Sharee’ah.  The Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam himself NEVER made a sajdah separately outside the salah just so that he could make duaa NOR did he teach his sahaabah to do so.  If it was something good, he Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam would have done it himself and would definitely have taught us.  But we see that there's no proof of him doing that.  💎 Why is that wrong? ▪️Dua is an act of worship. And the basic principle as far as acts of worship are concerned is "tawqeef", which means doing NOTHING EXCEPT that which is PROVEN from the Qur’aan and Sunnah.    So we should worship Allaah ONLY in the ways that He has prescribed.  Anything else is NOT ALLOWED, NOR is it CORRECT.  ▪️When we loo