
Showing posts from June 22, 2014

Fasting Muslims can know time of iftar, imsak via Twitter

Twitter announced this saying it has partnered with news organization, Al Arabiya, to keep Muslim Twitter users informed of Ramadan. Muslims worldwide can maximize social media tool, Twitter, to aide their religious Ramadan fast which is expected to commence on Saturday or Sunday. With the use of Twitter, Muslims can know the time for iftar (for the breaking of the fast) and Imsak (for beginning the fast) in their respective countries. Twitter announced this saying it has partnered with news organization, Al Arabiya, to keep Muslim Twitter users informed of Ramadan. According to Twitter, users simply tweet @AlArabiya with #iftar (for the breaking of the fast) or #imsak (for beginning the fast) followed by the name of their city with a # in front (e.g. #Lagos), and the @ AlArabiya account will reply with the correct time. Also, ahead of the holy month, Twitter has created two customs hashtags- #Eid and #Ramadan- to be used during the Islamic month. Ramadan is th

The Merits of Dhikr Jul 28, 2014 by

[Tafsir Mariful Qur'an Surah Baqarah Verse 152] Dhikr or ‘Remembrance’ essentially pertains to the heart, but in so far as the tongue is the interpreter of the heart the oral recitation of a Divine Name or a verse of the Holy Qur’an is also described as Dhikr . In other words, oral Dhikr can be worth the name only when it is accompanied by the ‘remembrance’ of the heart. As the great Sufi poet Rumi points out, the recitation of a Divine name can have no efficacy if one keeps thinking of cows and donkeys while repeating it mechanically with the tongue. One must, however, bear in mind that even a mechanical Dhikr without the heart being engaged in it is not altogether futile. It is related that the great Sufi Abu Uthman, hearing a man complain of such a situation, remarked that one should be grateful to Allah even for this favour of having drawn at least one organ of the body into His service. (Qurtubi) The merits of Dhikr are, indeed, innumerable. What greater meri