Top-5 Nollywood Stars Who Dumped Christianity for Islamic.

Recently a lot of Nollywood famous stars have dumped Christianity for Islam. Each one of them had his/her own reason to

do so.
Laide Bakare
After this Nollywood star divorced her Christian husband, she met a rich man from Lagos. His name is Alhaji Tunde Orilowo aka ATM. Because of the union, she converted to Islam and joined his fleet of wives.

Liz Da Silva
This Nollywood actress was dating Christian, MC Oluomo, but later she left him for a younger Muslim man Olaoye. They got married and have a baby boy. Because of son, who was named Roheem, she changed her religion. She converted to Islam and adopted the Muslim name Aishat.

Moji Olaiya
She has Christian parents, her father is a famous Nigerian singer Victor Olaiya. But due to family troubles, she left her husband and three children and then converted into Islam. She states that Islam gives her more power and inner calm. She commented:
“Honestly, Islam is a peaceful religion. The aspect I love most is that you don’t need any pastor to get closer to God. You don’t really need anybody to pray for you. You can always pray on your own and Almighty Allah will answer your prayer without any intermediary. I have been doing that since I became a Muslim and it has always worked for me.”

Lizzy Anjorin
Lizzy is a popular Yoruba actress. She was born in Christian family. Soon after she traveled to Mecca for Hajj, She insisted to critics that she has always been a Muslim because her mother is a Muslim as wekk. But rumors have i that her conversion was made because of her new date, an Alhaji – a big boss from Lagos.
She said on her conversion that:
“Actually, my conversion to Islam is not new, it’s only that people were not aware. I have been a Muslim for long. I even have pictures to support that. Although my name is Elizabeth, which is the Christian name my dad gave me because he was a Christian.
Then, I also have a Muslim name, Aishat, given to me by my mother, who was a Muslim. Also, some from my mother’s family members also named me Sekinat. Even my daughter’s name is Rufaidat. So, I grew with the two religions. And being the only child of my parents, I was given so many names, including Egandogo, Omosolape, Akanke. My Badagry name is Yenukunmun, meaning Isoju ota ni nse maa se rere (I will excel in the presence of my enemies).”

Vivian Metchie aka Fareedah
This gorgeous Nollywood star was born to Catholic father and a Deeper Life Mother. Then she married a man who was a member of the Redeemed Church. Due to religious confusion, Vivian left Christianity and converted to Islam. She confessed that: “It is a personal decision. I understand the Koran more than the bible… I was probably looking for peace. Yeah! That was what I was looking for and I found it in the Koran.”
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Somto Monanu

Young Media Entrepreneur, Christianity Extremist, Blogger, Founder Gossip Mill Nigeria! Latest Car owner in town, Bill Gates Number One fan... That's All!



31 Responses to 5 Popular Nollywood Actresses Who Publicly Rejected Jesus Christ

  1. Anonymous says:
    Hmmmmm well thats what they desired, i wish them all best but remember, what u soul, thats u will rip God bls u all?????
  2. kisuya says:
    you will reap whatt you soor
  3. Sharaf says:
    am hpp coz Gd bles me
  4. Primoris says:
    firstly, they’re not popular as long I know none of them.
    secondly, they’re all together unwise
  5. Anonymous says:
    The world is full of misery ohhhh! Please we rell really have to keep on washipping GOD, for we do not know the last days.
  6. muta jerry says:
    Pleaseeee people,we really really have to change from our sinful ways cos we do not know when the last of days shall soon approach, so we should better keep on worshiping our almighty GOD……..if u agree with me,say amen.
  7. Those people were not born again christians at all, they were just church, there is noway on this earth a genuine christian will convert from light to darkness, they were just church goer, very soon they will convert to hindu, they are confuse full misery, they need to accept CHRIST JESUS into their lifes genuinely, and start living as a born again.
  8. Diamond says:
    Christians, we are sleeping and we’re bn invaded by islam. An islamic agenda since 20yrs ago is nw being fully activated. Dey re strategizing dier whole take-over of 9ja. Dey re bombing in d north, marrying our girls in d west, buying d ibos in d east, n sponsoring pple in d south, all strategic in fully making 9ja an islamic nation. Dis is a revelation, christians we nid 2 wake up.
  9. Anonymous says:
    The Almighty Allah has blessed d five of u dat converted to Islam.I knw dat Allah has meke it clear to d world dat Jesus crist is our prophet n also prophet muhammed is d last prophet,and any muslim that did not believe in thire book , (bible n puran) is nt a true muslim.meanwhile Islam means peace,so peace is your’s.
  10. GOD KNOWS says:
    it just because they don’t know whom they are serving, the should remember that JESUS CHRIST is the only way all others are thieves.
    all christian should wake up to fight this battle to finish on our knee tonight.
  11. Anonymous says:
    This just the begining for in the last days even the very ellect will be desived, the love of many shall wax col… Pls read Acts 24:1 to the end.
  12. Ajewole joseph says:
    not a big things they should remember that they have already chosen there path to the hell fire matter how it is.they can’t mock God bcs God is not visible unto them.they rejected JESUS CHRIST THE PRINCE OF PEACE bcs they don’t no him.his kingdom has already been programmed for the right and worthy people and not for those that rejected him.
  13. Anonymous says:
    I wish u all de best,not everyone will herit de kingdom of God,but it’s de choice of everyone 2 decides of ……
  14. Anonymous says:
    They shall not have rest of mind until they trace their way back to Jesus name(Amen)we are really in the last days when love of money is takeing people from light to darkness.Christians lets wake up.
  15. mee says:
    who d hell ar u that u mst knw them b4 they bcom popular???
  16. Ajewole joseph says:
    the grace of God is enough for every one to chose for him or herself if u chose JESUS you will enter eternal rest if you chose other ways hell fire is awaiting you.
  17. Anonymous says:
    bunch of fools…..u guys moved 4rm light 2 darkness…wot a pity…hp u realize ur mistakes vry soon b4 it z 2 late…
  18. Latter voice says:
    Were they christians in the first place?
    I think, they were not.
    The fact that they were born to christian families or attended church worship services dont make them christian; point of correction.
    They were only church attendees (church people) who never encounter salvation which should eventually make them christians.
    No wonder, they never experienced peace, never had formidable homes nor found covering in their pastors.
    The Bible did not say if a man be in church is a new creature, rather if a man be in Christ. 2 Corinth 5:17.
    Very soon, others will soon jump out because they are in church and not in Christ. Those in Christ are rooted and rugged, but those in church without being in Christ are not planted but are just hanging.
  19. Amodu Shuaibu says:
    Christain claim they worship jesus but jesus worshiped ALLAH During his lifetime, where in the bibble from genesis to revelation that stated that u should go to church on sunday to worhip jesus? While jesus said my lord is ur lord so worship him that is the straite for u, please why do u all christain abardoned the book that was sent to jesus to deliver Gog word to you, and if jesus is truely a christain which church did he worshiped, or instruted u to worship him?
  20. Man of God says:
    Islam is d only true religion.
    the christianity is not a religion coz it wasn’t stated in the whole bible. so also jesus, jesus doesn’t knw the name Jesus.
    my fellow nigerians join in the world only religion which is Islam
  21. yemie says:
    This is end time. Bible says that which u know hold unto it well. All we need to do is to pray for them and Nigeria. Remember the church prayed for Peter when he was in bondage. They are in bondage of sin. Christianity is not a religion but a way of life. They were not Christians b4 so it doesn’t change anything. Anywayz we continue praying for them. Jesus is the solution to mankind’s problem. Go and Truely Get JESUS CHRIST in your life. Tnx
  22. Prince says:
    Almost all of them have one thing in common, not being able to stay with one man, no stable relationship.
  23. shehu says:
    Allahu Akbar, indeed it is proved that Islam is the only true religion, may Allah continue to guide us all and make those who go astray to understand the truth. Ameen
  24. Wole Oluwasusi says:
    You converted because of money, u said u want peace. No other religion can give u peace exempt Christian religion Is only God can give u peace, God is our comforter, is our indispensable companion (sigh) may GOd forgive u in Jesus name.
  25. Anonymous says:
    unreasonable & comfused ladies seeking for alhaji de will brain wash off his wealth via accepting to be muslems, cos de are not wise enough to brain wash de rich christian brothers & husband, cos even if u like, be a christian frm childhood, without de lead of de Holyspirit u are jst a church attendant. so dis religion benefit seekers was never a christian, check deir profiles. living a christlike life without Gods given spirit is quite a struggle 4dem.
  26. anonymous says:
    Muslims Bad Behavior Toward Others
    Causing Us our Woes — Sheikh Khalid Yasin
    The renowned islamic scholar critcises
    Muslims for failing to be accommodating
    with Christians as many Christians are with Muslims.
    He said that whereas Christian families are
    tolerant of their Children, who dress in Islamic garb and praying the Islamic way, Muslims are not so accommodating of Christians.
    This unlike the behavior of the Prophet
    of Islam whose uncle, Abu Talib did not
    convert to Islam, yet Allah (God) sent
    help to the Prophet through him. Abu Talib defended & protected the prophet during
    his mission in Mecca. It was after he passed that the prophet left Mecca.
    Further highlighting this poor attitude and lack of tolerance of today’s Muslim, he gave the example of Egypt, where Muslim Brotherhood leaders led the oppression of Christians in Egypt. It was not long after they oppressed the Christians that the military seized power from them, and they were scattered in all direction.
    Sheikh Khalid pointed to the prayer-room used as a Church that the Christians gave to Muslims to use for prayers.”
    Muslims are accommodated much more in Christian countries, a generosity that is hardly
    reciprocated Muslim countries. This in his words is leading to the loss and down fall of Muslims and reducing their capacity for effective Dawaah (evangelism).
    “Muslims bad behavior,” he said, “is why Allah took the Dawaah (evangelism) from us”.
  27. Muhd Jubril says:
    God is great, hello to all previous commenters: this is not a debate and I don’t want any1 to see it as such. I don’t see how some1 changing religion should signify ‘End of days’. I swear by the One(Allah) in whose hand is my soul: if you don’t believe in any of the prophets of God i.e. That they are sent by the One and only true God(the Almighty); then trust me you are not a Believer, regardless of your claim to faith.
    Despite much aggitation, all these ppl have their reasons for conversion but the best of all reasons is if done for the sake of God Himself. Allah knows best*
  28. Muhammad Ismail says:
    <(___)__ _)
  29. James Sottin says:
    God Will Never Judge By Religion Muslim Nor Christian Stop Judging Urself U Ar Not God
  30. Anonymous says:
    They left the best for the worst. Well they are doomed,unless the repent now, cos Jesus Christ is the way to God the Father. is not new just like many today are very to sell their soul to the devil for fame and riches. But “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world,and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? :- master Jesus Christ founder of Christainty matt 16:26. Hell is real o!
  31. Emmanuel says:
    “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because thou has rejected knowledge, i wil also reject thee”- Hosea 4v6.

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