Muhammad Rasuulullah (peace and blessing be unto him)

“Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, Whom they found mentioned in their scripture, in the Taurah and the Injil for He commands them what is evil, he made lawful unto them what is lawful and good and forbade what is bad and impure. He relieves them of their burdens and from the jokes that are upon them. So, it is those who believe in him, honour him, but help him and follow the Light with which he was sent that shall prosper.” (Q7:157)
Thanks to Allah. May His peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad, a man who combined perfection of creation and perfection of manner. When his name is mentioned, you hear people say “Solla llahu alaehi wa Salamah.” Who is this man that ranks number one among all the great men in history?
He was a bright man with fine manners. His voice was commanding. His expression was pensive, contemplative, serene and sublime. It was sweet and distinct. His speech was free of superfluous words. He was always surrounded by his companions. When he uttered a word, people listened with rapt attention and when he gave a command, they were eager to carry it out. He was master and commander. His utterances were marked by truth and sincerity.
Ali bin Abi Talib described his perfection of creation: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing be unto him) was neither excessively tall nor extremely short. He was medium height among his companions. His face was not swollen or meaty-compact. It was fairly round. His mouth was white. He had black and large eyes with long haired eyelids. He had a rod-like little hair extending from his chest down to the navel, but the rest of his body is almost hairless. At walking, he lifted his feet off the ground as if he had been walking in a muddy remainder of water. When he turned, he turned all. The Prophethood seal was between his shoulders. He is the seal of Prophets, the most generous and bravest of all.”
He continued: “His speech was the most reliable. He was the keenest and the most attentive to people’s trust and was very careful to pay people’s due in full. He who has acquaintance with him will like him.” Al-Bara’u bin Azib said: “He had the most handsome face and the best character.” When he was asked: “Was the Prophet’s face sword-like?” He replied: “No, it was moon-like.” Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I have never seen a person as nice as the Messenger of Allah (SAW). It seemed as if the sunlight were moving within his face. I have never seen one who is faster in pace than the Messenger of Allah (SAW). It seemed as if the earth had folded itself up to shorten the distance for him.” Umar bin l-Khattab said: “Lao kunta min shaein minal basher, kunta min Shaein minal basher, kunta mudhia ladelatul Badr” – Were you other than a human being, you would be lighted moon at a full-moon night.
Anas bin Malik was close to the Messenger of Allah. He said: “I have never touched silk or a silky garment softer than the palm of the Messenger of Allah (SAW), nor have I smelt a perfume or any scent nicer than his.”
Coupled with his beauty of creation, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) was also known for the perfection of soul and nobility. He was noted for superb eloquence and fluency in Arabic (of course he was an Arab from noblest tribe-the Quraish). He was remarkable in position and rank. He was an accurate, unpretending, straightforward speaker. He was well-versed in Arabic and familiar with the dialects and accents of every tribe. He spoke with his entertainers using their own accents and dialects. He was quite eloquent at speeches. Above all, there was the assistance of Allah embodied in the revealed verses of the Quran.
His stamina, endurance, forgiveness and patience and standing were talents, attributes Allah (SWT) had imbued him with. The more he was hurt, the more enduring and clement he became. He was always cheerful, easy, pleasant-tempered and lenient. He was never rude or rough, or clamorous or indecent. He was not reproachful, yet, he appreciated excellence and commended distinctive actions.
Those close to the Prophet (SAW) have presented an encyclopedic report about his beauty of creation and perfection of soul. Non-Muslim historians could not but expose his enviable nobility of character.
His noble lineage, glorious birth, call to Prophethood, excellent character and distinct names are worthy of exposition. May Allah bless us as we stick to this page.
O Allah! Send your blessing upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You have sent blessings upon Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. You are worthy of all praise, All Glorious.
O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You have already blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. You are worthy of all praise, All Glorious
