Only Competence Will determine who becomes next UI VC – VC

By Ibrahim Agunbiade

 The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ibadan, Idowu Olayinka, has assured candidates that have applied for the position of vice-chancellor of the university that the selection process will be transparent, free and fair.

The current vice-chancellor said that the credentials of the applicants would speak for them before the selection committee and nothing else.

Olayinka’s tenure will expire in November and the university has placed advertisement seeking applications from qualified persons interested to fill the position to apply.

According to Olayinka, 12 candidates have applied, including those from outside of the University of Ibadan.

He said ethnicity religion or state of origin would not determine who would become the next vice-chancellor of the 72-year-old premier university.

He said, “Twelve candidates applied for the position and six candidates that were searched will join them making the number 18.

The extant guidelines make provision that candidates could apply or qualified candidates could be searched.

That is more or less an invitation that they should come and apply.

Those searched were supposed to be 15 but only six of them responded by submitting formal applications.
