What to do if Eid falls on a Friday | Asma bint Shameem


If Eid falls on a Friday, then the strongest opinion among the ulama is that if a person attends the Eid prayer, then he does not ‘HAVE’ to attend the Jumu’ah prayer, though if he would attend both that would be great. 

But if they chose to attend the Eid prayer only and did not attend the Friday prayer, then of course they would still have to pray Dhuhr. 


🍃 The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:

“Eid prayer and Friday prayer have fallen on the same day, today. 

Whoever prays ‘Eid prayer, Friday prayer is not obligatory on him. 

As for us, we are going to pray Friday prayer”. (Abu Dawood- authentic by al-Albaani)

🍃 Abu ‘Ubayd, the freed slave of Ibn Azhar, said: 

“I was present on the occasion of two Eids (together) with ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan; that was on a Friday. 

He offered the (Eid) prayer before the khutbah, then delivered the khutbah and said: 

“O people, on this day two Eids have come to you together, so whoever wants to wait for Jumu‘ah with the people of al-‘Awaali, let him do so, and whoever wants to go back, then I gave him permission to do so.” 


🍃Shaykh ibn al-Uthaymeen said:

“If the ‘Eid coincides with al-Jumu’ah, whether it be ‘Eid al Fitr or Eid al Adha, then it is obligatory that the ‘Eid prayer is prayed and that Jumu’ah is prayed. 

Then it is said to whoever prayed ‘Eid prayer and was not the Imaam, if he wishes he may pray Jumu’ah or if he wishes he may pray Dhuhr in his home instead. 

This is the summary of the issue.”

This was the opinion of many of the Sahaabah such as Omar, Uthman, Ibn Masoud, Ibn Abbas and others, radhi Allaahu anhum ajma’een. 

Ibn Taymiyyah had the same opinion and said: “and there is no knowledge of any disagreement among them (the Sahaabah) on this.

🍃Ibn Taymiyyah adds: 

“Moreover, if someone attends Eid Salaah, he has already obtained the objective of the congregation (on Friday), so he prays Dhuhr if he did not attend Jumu’ah Salaah.

Dhuhr Salaah will remain on time and Eid Salaah achieves for him the purpose of Jumu’ah congregation. 

Keeping the obligation of Jumu’ah (binding)on people will definitely cause hardship for them, and would ruin the purpose of Eid, and the reason it was prescribed for to show joy and happiness. 

Hence, if people were held back from enjoying their time ( in order to attend Jumu’ah Salaah) Eid will cause an adverse result and negates its purpose.”

🍃Shaikh Saleh al-Fawzaan said:

“If ‘Eid prayer falls on the same day as Friday prayer, whoever prays ‘Eid prayer, it is not obligatory for him to pray Friday prayer. 

Rather Friday prayer becomes recommended (sunnah) for him. 

However, as it relates to the Imam [of the community], it is obligatory for him to pray both ‘Eid prayer and Friday prayer. He can not leave off Friday prayer because those who choose to pray Friday prayer need an Imam. (Fawzaan 2/257).” 

❓ What about Dhuhr❓

Obviously the obligation of Dhuhr is till there. 

So whoever does not pray Jumu’ah still has to pray Dhuhr. 

And Allaah knows best.
