Fortress University: Ancient Iwo City Is A Home Of Islamic Scholars-UNESCO Laureate


UNESCO Laureate, and World Acclaimed Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Professor Sir Bashiru Aremu has said that Iwo Land in Osun State Nigeria remains the only place tracing the history of Islamic Religion in the entire Yoruba, South West Nigeria that Mosque was first cited as far back as 1665, which he said Fortress University of ACADIP has fulfilled is a great historical antecedents on the Advent of Islam upon its establishment.

Professor Aremu in a media chat today with our reporter spoke during a telephone conversation applauded the achievements of the present Monarch of Iwo Land in Osun State for taking after his fore fathers (grand and great grand fathers), his Monarch’s love for Education and development of Ancient Iwo Kingdom.

He Stated that the Iwo Monarch’s great great grand fathers who reigned between 1600 Circa and 1744 AD, that is 338 years ago starting from Oba Adeoye Adekanbi Ibirinade (Oba Alawusa), meaning the King that accepted and supported Hausa in his Kingdom with his permission accommodated Agbowu, son of Aara that later became a Village under Iwo Land was a place cattle traders from Northern parts of the country, first group of Muslims settled thence penetrated other parts of the country.

UNESCO Laureate, Speaking further on the imperatives, roles played by Iwo Land, most importantly, the then Monarch, Oba Ogunmakinde, Monarch’s brother, Oluji and the voice of Oracle, other powerful Oracles that predicted the Advent of Islamic Scholars that led to Oba Muhammad Anyila, the longest reigning Monarch in Iwo Land with a longevity of 140 years ascended the throne of his fore-fathers as an Islamic Scholar in 1816 with the support of some powerful idol worshippers then who were members of his cabinet before gaining full control of his Islamic Religion after their demise.

In the words of the UNESCO Laureate: “In Yoruba Land, The role of Iwo Land, The Monarchs, especially the appointment of the first registered Islamic Judge in 1909, and Oba Lamuye’s role in 1916 amongst others helped as a religion of peace supported the spread, growth and development of Islamic Religion in Nigeria. Iwo Kingdom historical antecedents is playing again as the present Monarch’s Developmental Strides is monumental by the establishment of Fortress University of ACADIP”.

“Fortress University of ACADIP fulfilled Historical antecedents of Islam in Iwo Land.

The only one that we can call first Mosque now in Yoruba land now is the one that was built in 1655 at Iwo City.

The Advent of Islam in Iwoland, 1655 to this present time (2021)”.

“The advent of Islam in Iwoland could be traced to the era of Oba Adeoye Adekanbi Ibirinade popularly known as Oba Alawusa (that is the king who accepted and supported Hausa in his domain, because idols worshiping was rampant in the town during his tenure that time) who reigned between 1600 circa and 1744 AD, a period of about over 338 years now with the assistance of Agbowu son of Aara, the founder of Ogbaagba village which became small town under the authority of Oluwo of Iwo, who accommodated the cattle traders from the Northerm part of Nigeria where the first group of Muslims penetrated into this part of the country with His Imperial Majesty Oba Oluwo Adeoye Ibirinade Adekanmbi’s permission by then.

“When the only what we can called the first Mosque in Yoruba land now was built in 1655 in Mogaji compound, Iwo City , Osun State, Nigeria according to Encyclopedia.

“In 1744, Oba Ogunmakinde Ande Nidi Ibon (a man brass coated gun based) son of Oba Adeoye Adekanmbi Ibirinade (Alawusa) succeeded his father on the seat of Oluwo and reigned for hundred and twenty-five years in Iwoland.

However, during his reign there was an outbreak of epidemic diseases (Ajakale Arun) which claimed lives of many of Oba Ogunmakinde princes”.

“Oba Ogunmakinde felt very much concerned about who was going to be his crown prince after his demise and he consulted oracle according to their beliefs by then and oracle said according to popular oracle verse in Yoruba otua meji”: which mean oracle that related to the Muslim or oracle verse of Muslin as stated below:

“Voice of Oracle of Peace which means “Otua meji” in Yoruba Language of Ifa the Oracle as stated below:

Katambari ( Greatest Oracle ),

Akitanbariya ( Greatest Overcome Oracle),

O fo-Arangali ( raise to became future leader ),

Arangali ( optimistic to become future leader ),

Lekeleke Alalufa ( Set of Greatest Islamic Scholars with white garment ), O we owo gini-gini ( whose is totally clean his handles with ablution ),

O we ese gini-gini ( whose is totally clean his legs with ablution ),

O wo le kabirawo…… (Whose is totally prostrate to God Almighty).

Furthermore, the Oracle predicted that Oba would have a child but the child was going to practice Islam religion that very common among Hausa tribe, Oluwo had a half-brother whose name was Oluaji who was a trader of Dilali, a great hunter and big farmer”.

“During his sojourn to Ikoyi, a nearby town to Ogbomoso, he came in contact with three wonderful Islamic scholars who were observing one of the daily prayers. He quickly remembered the voice of Oracle and told them the problem of his brother, Oba Ogunmakinde. Oluaji reported his encounter with the Islamic scholars to his brother and Oba Ogunmakinde gave ordered to send a prayers request for a child to these scholars. On the instructions of His Imperial Majesty The Oluwo Ande, Oluaji invited these scholars to Iwo city”.

“Oluwo Ande ordered that these scholars be accommodated at Iya Oba Compound (Today known as Mogaji’s compound). And the prayers were organized for Oba. When Olori delivered a baby boy, the Shaik Usman who led some scholars told Oluwo that the name of the child would be ‘Muhammad’ which popular called Momodu and ceremony also would be on seventh day not sixth day as was common among all Yoruba people that time (Efa lomo)”.

“In nutshell, Lamuye was added to his name when he grew up and did not die, called ‘Allah-Muye’ in Yoruba language which we are call Lamuye today, in Hausa ‘Allah Nae Rayani’.in English language, Allah made him survive’ . Muhammad (Momodu) Ayinla Lamuye learned the Qur’an and Hadith before he ascended the throne under tutelage of the Islamic scholars in the town”.

“Another Interesting thing is the First Quran that was written after Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) brought to Iwo City by Muslim Scholars at that particular ancient time which is very rare in the whole world which was transferred to National Museum in Abuja now”.

“In 1816, Oba Muhammad Ayinla Lamuye became a well Islamic scholars before ascended the throne. Therefore, in the position to influence his family, Albeit privately, because the kingmakers were idols worshippers and must not see him processing his religion or else he would be dethroned.

Since it was forbidden for an Oba to observe solat in public in Yorubaland then, he observed his prayers secretly whenever the chiefs were not in the palace. He was doing this possibly with some of his wives (Olori) . Whenever, he was time for prayers, he would put his mouth inside a gourd to make the call for the prayers”.

“He did this constantly until all the powerful men (Chiefs) died. Later, he was able to pray openly when all those powerful enough to challenge him had died and many of the chiefs left had joined him in worshipping God Almighty Allah. Oba Muhammad Lamuye reigned for one hundred and forty years (140yrs). Due to this longevity of his existence on earth and his long period of reign, he was nicknamed in Yoruba language as ‘Oba Awayeeku’. Which mean in English that King that came to this world and he did not die

The royal support was given to Islam”.

“Oluwo Muhammad Lamuye did a lot of unforgettable things for the development of Islam in Iwoland. Iwo is one of the major towns in Nigeria where Islam is predominantly practised. It is usually referred to as ‘Garri-Mallam’ (the city of Islamic scholars). Mentioned few out of his contribution to uplift the religion of Islam. He encouraged many people in the town to join the fold of Islam by honouring those who accepted Islam with his own daughters as wives and such a person became members of the royal families”.

“He destroyed a great idol in Iwoland (Iya Popo) along with over three hundred and sixty idols3 at the present site of Iwo central mosque and ordered that a mosque be built there. Many chiefs took Muslim name and partook in Islamic ceremonies and festivals in order to getting benefits and privileged of chieftaincy titles”.

According to H E UNESCO Laureate, Prof Sir Bashiru Aremu, World Acclaimed Distinguished Professor Emeritus ratified by UNESCO top up by UNN Nigeria, CSER Malaysia and others worldwide,

I hereby congratulate His Imperial Majesty Uncommon and Dynamic King with Trade Mark, Oluwo of Iwo Empire, Oba Abdul Rasheed Adewale Akanbi, The Wazeer of Yoruba Land Sheik Yaqub Baki Muhammad, Chief Lecturer of ACADIP Malam Yusuf Adepoju and his group the Initiator of Fortress Univerisity, Iwo Nigeria and entire people of Iwo Empire both home and abroad”.
