Can I fast six days of Shawwaal first, BEFORE my fardh Ramadhaan fasts that I need to make up? | Asma bint Shameem

There’s a difference of opinion among the scholars about this issue.

Some scholars said that it is permissible to fast the six days of Shawwaal first, then make up the missed Ramadhaan fasts later on in the year, before the next Ramadhaan begins. 

But the stronger scholarly opinion is that in order to get the REWARD of fasting the ENTIRE year, we have to complete our Ramadhaan FIRST, as per the words of the hadeeth. 

And THEN fast the six days of Shawwaal to get this immense reward. 

You see, fasting six days of Shawwaal is dependent upon having completed the fasting of Ramadhaan. 

Look at the words of the hadeeth:

🍃 The Prophet sal Allaahu Alayhi wa sallam said:

"Whoever fasts Ramadhaan, 'THUMMA' (then) follows it with six days of Shawwaal, it will be as if he fasted a lifetime." 


The word 'thumma' (“then”) shows that it must be done in this order, that is, complete Ramadhaan first, THEN do the six days of Shawwaal. 

If we still owe fasts from Ramadhaan, that means we've only fasted PART of Ramadhaan; we cannot say that we have fasted the ”entire” Ramadhaan. 

🍃The scholars of the Standing Committee said:

“If someone has missed some of the days of Ramadhaan, he should fast them FIRST, THEN fast six days of Shawwaal, because he cannot follow the fast of Ramadhaan with six days of Shawwaal unless he has completed his Ramadhaan fast.” 

(Fataawa Al-Lajnah Al-Daa’imah, 10/392)

🍃 Another point to consider is that Shawwaal fasts are VOLUNTARY while the fasts of Ramadhaan that you still owe are FARDH. 

Obviously the fardh takes priority over the nafil, since it's a DEBT that is owed to Allaah. 

And it needs to be repaid as soon as possible.

Would you keep praying nawaafil salaah although you still have Dhuhr, Asr or any other fardh prayer still due?

Of course not. 

Well, that's how it is with these fasts as well. 

🍃 Shaikh Ibn Baaz said 

“What is apparent in this affair is that it is not allowed to fast the Sunnah (nafal) fasts before the obligatory fasts due to two reasons:


Allaah’s Messenger Sal Allaahu Alayhi wa Sallam said: 

“Whoever fasted Ramadhaan and followed that with six days of Shawwaal, it is like he has fasted the whole of the year.” 

Therefore, those who have days to make up (Qadhaa) from Ramadhaan cannot follow-up with fasting the six of Shawwāl because they still have days to fast from Ramadhaan ―so they cannot follow-up Ramadhaan with the six days of Shawwal until they have completed all the Ramadhaan fasts. 

So, if a man (for example) has days still left from Ramadhaan because he missed some fasts due to traveling or because he was sick and then Allaah cured him―he must begin by fasting what he missed from Ramadhaan (Qadhaa). 

This is the same for the woman who did not fast due to menstruation or postnatal bleeding―she too must begin by making up what she missed in Ramadhaan then she can fast the six days of Shawwaal if she is able to. 

As for beginning with fasting the six of Shawwaal, then that is not correct.

TWO: The debt to Allaah has more right to be fulfilled and it is more worthy that one begins with the obligations to Allaah―and to hasten with them before the recommendations (nāfilah). 

Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala 

obligated fasting Ramadhaan upon the woman, so it is not befitting that she fasts the optional fasts (nāfilah) of Shawwaal before completing what is obligatory upon her. 

From this, we see that there is no validity to a fatwa that allows fasting the six of Shawwaal while a person has days to make up from Ramadhaan. 

Rather, a person is to begin by fulfilling the obligatory fasts. 

Thereafter, if there remain days from the month of Shawwaal and the person is able to fast the six days, they can do so, and if not, they can leave them because they are optional ―and thus take precaution with respect to their religion based upon the two matters already stated.

So, in the second point (above), it is affirmed that the obligations have a greater right that one begins with them―and they have a greater right to be fulfilled over the recommended acts. 

It is authentically reported in a hadeeth that the Messenger Sal Allaahu Alayhi wa Sallam 

said: “The debt of Allaah has more right that it is fulfilled.” 

And his saying: “Accomplish what is due to Allaah for Allaah is more worthy that His right is fulfilled.” 

🔺 What if I have too many Ramadhaan fasts to make up and Shawwaal ends by the time I’m done fasting them. 

Then what❓


If you’re making up your Ramadhaan fasts and all of Shawwaal is gone, then even in that situation you should complete your Ramadhaan fasts first and then continue into the next month. 

That’s because the hadeeth talks about COMPLETING Ramadhaan first THEN fasting the six days of Shawwaal to get the rewards of fasting the whole year. 

Allaah KNOWS your intention 

And He will not burden you with something that’s not within your control.

So you will get the reward of fasting the 6 days of Shawwaal EVEN IF it carried on into Dhul Qa’dah. 

🍃 Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said:

“If a woman still owes days from Ramadhaan, then she should not fast the six days of Shawwaal until after she has made up what she owes, because the Prophet Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam said: 

“Whoever fasts Ramadaan then follows it with six days of Shawwaal…” 

Whoever still has days to make up from Ramadhaan has not fasted Ramadhaan, so she will not attain the reward of fasting the six days of Shawwaal until after she has finished making up the days she owes. 

If we assume that this making up missed fasts lasts throughout Shawwaal, such as if a woman was bleeding following childbirth and did not fast at all in Ramadhaan, then she started to make up her missed fasts in Shawwaal and did not finish that until Dhu’l-Qa’dah began, then she may fast the six days, and she will have the reward of one who fasted them in Shawwaal, because she delayed it for a necessary reason, so she will have the reward.”

(Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 20/19)

📌Another point:

Another point to keep in mind is that even if, according to the other opinion, it may be “allowed” to fast the six Shawwaal fasts first and then make up the fardh fasts later on in the year, the “reward” would not be the same. 

You will of course get the reward of fasting six “Nafl” fasts. 

But the scholars said that the “reward” mentioned in the hadeeth is ONLY achieved by completing Ramadhaan first....then following that up with the six days of Shawwaal. 

So do try to make up the missed fasts before fasting the six days of Shawwaal. 

That’s definitely better and the safer option, if you want to achieve the reward of fasting the whole year. 

And Allaah knows best
