The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), has confirmed that the misunderstanding over the shaving of beards by Muslim males in NYSC camp was amicably resolved last Thursday and no incident occurred after the resolution. The group therefore appealed to all stakeholders to allow peace to reign.



MURIC’s clarification came on Sunday, 30th April, 2023 through a statement issued by its Executive Director, Professor Ishaq Akintola.



“Recent developments particularly an online story on the matter and a rejoinder issued by the NYSC make it mandatory that we explain the role played by our organization, the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), in the shaving controversy of Muslim corpers in Ogun State NYSC orientation camp.



“MURIC headquarters received calls from the camp exactly at 6.25 pm on Thursday, 27th April, 2023. We immediately sent a text message to NYSC headquarters requesting for intervention. Our message was sent out at exactly 6.30 pm. NYSC headquarters responded within minutes and promised that the matter would ‘be taken care of’.



“We received confirmation that ‘the issue has been resolved’ within a few minutes through another message from NYSC headquarters. It is noteworthy that we relayed this resolution to several social media platforms where Muslim leaders are prominent and active.



“We have no cause to doubt NYSC because many cases involving Muslim corpers have been settled in this manner without heating up the polity. In particular, we note with great interest that no further complaints emanated from the original complainants at the orientation camp after the intervention.



“Egged on by our avowed motto which is ‘Dialogue, No Violence’, MURIC has successfully explored this window of communication to resolve conflicts between Muslim corpers and NYSC authorities on several occasions. We regard the NYSC as our partner in progress in our efforts to reengineer the Nigerian mindset towards positivity. We can also testify that NYSC leadership has proved highly sensitive and responsible in the past few years.




“We appeal to all stakeholders to allow the status quo ante to prevail in order for peace to reign particularly since no incident occurred after the intervention of NYSC headquarters. We remind Muslims of the preference for dialogue as presented in the Glorious Qur’an 3:64. We therefore advice that this tradition should be sustained in the interest of the good name of Islam and Muslims in general.”
